Hello World (wide web)

Hi there random Internet strangers! And welcome to my blog. Now, you are probably asking yourself, why would someone start a blog now? Aren’t we like several years past the blog craze? Especially for a blog about nothing, with a nod to a show that went of the air 18 years ago in the title…(side note, if you did not catch or can’t appreciate the aforementioned Seinfeld reference…this probably isn’t the blog for you).

Well, I’ll tell you why. I am in desperate need of a creative outlet. I’ve never been to a psychiatrist, but I am pretty sure if I did they would confirm my diagnosis. See, I have what you would call a busy and creative mind. Random thoughts and musings are just constantly circling around in my head, and I can only just blurt them out to my husband, friends, or co-workers so many times before they all start insisting on that whole psychiatrist thing…But the Internet was basically made for people to just spew random shit with no filter. It’s brilliant! And I love to write, but don’t get to nearly as much as I would like in my daily life. So, win-win.

And I swear, I wanted to get on the whole blog train for years now. But I could never settle on just one theme. For one thing, that seems boring. Who wants to talk about the same thing all the time? And for another, it’s not like I have expert skills or insights to offer…no beauty tips, recipes, or Pinterest worthy art projects here. (Though, I do like to do crafts…and consider myself to be a creative person. But unfortunately my skill level doesn’t always match my vision. It’s tragic really. My mom’s whole side of the family is amazingly crafty/artistic…sadly their abilities did not get fully passed down.)

So instead…I give you a blog about nothing, and everything at the same time. You can expect everything from political rants (fair warning, I am a staunch feminist, progressive – though pragmatic – Democrat, who works in politics…conservative Republicans should just go ahead an abandon this blog right now…), to ill-advised DIY home improvement projects, to travel posts, to random musings about life in general, or maybe it will all just be pictures of my adorable dog. All mostly written in a lighthearted, humorous way.

Basically, this blog is me, in written form. If you aren’t into the topics I’m writing about. Hey, cool. Go read something else. The web is filled with things that are more your style. But please, keep the negativity off of my comments section. You will be blocked/removed if you disrespect me, my work, any of my other readers, or basically anyone else in your comments. That doesn’t mean you have to agree with me. And by all means feel free to challenge my positions if you think I am wrong. But keep it civil. And do your homework. I’m a (non-practicing) lawyer…I will not stand for lazy arguments based purely on rhetoric with no facts to back up your claims. (Or bad grammar and poor spelling. Spell check people…it’s a thing).



P.S. This is my previously mentioned adorable dog, Charlie. You are welcome.



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  1. Can I read your blog? You’re doing something I’ve always dreamed of doing so I’m sort of envious.


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